
Brotherhood and Deacon Ministry:
Dea. Robert O’Neal. Chairman
561 985-0242

The Deacon Ministry demonstrates spiritual leadership by serving the Pastor and congregation; and, by supporting the pastoral vision through evangelism, stewardship and discipleship. The ministry promotes harmony among – and encourages support from – the congregation. Spiritual growth of the overall membership is a priority. Sick and shut-in visitations, ongoing membership interaction, new member intake and orientation, baptismal arrangements and communion service are some of the responsibilities conducted by the spiritual supporters of the congregation and Pastor.

Children/Youth Ministry:
Minister Darial Smith
(561) 692-5044

Sister Mae Bereton, Children and Youth Director
561 985-1682

Working with children is one of life’s greatest blessings. It is important to see young people not necessarily for what they are today but for what they could be tomorrow. Training young people is a process of time and energy. This process is often challenging but the potential product is worth more than all the riches this world could offer. The rewards are immeasurable. We at St. John First Baptist Church realize the importance and value of the young people the Lord brings our way. We are not a social club, striving simply to provide activities for young people. Our main goal as a church is to build lives for the future. This requires a great deal of dedication, patience, understanding and love. It is our desire to instill in all youth a love for the Lord Jesus Christ, a yearning to know Him more closely, and a willingness to be used by Him now and in the future. This is not to say that we are against ―having fun‖ and allowing young people to enjoy life. We teach them live in a way that bring glory and honor to God.

Culinary Ministry:
Sister Lois C. Wright
(561) 261-9069

Culinary Ministry of St. John First Baptist Church, through prayer, praise and, faith in Jesus Christ, strive to glorify God in providing excellence in food service. Our function is to serve at the request of the Pastor and at designated repasts.

We are committed to practice the high quality standards required for health and safety, relative to the preparation and serving of foods and beverages. Our aspiration is for the love of Christ, to be exemplified in our performance of the responsibilities as food handlers.

Music Ministry
Bro. Gerald Smith
(561) 755-0770

Brother Kevin Wright, Director
(561) 261-0717

The Music Ministry shares the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, provides encouragement to believers in their walk with Christ and leads the congregation in worship and praise. Ministry participants are blessed through the sharing of their musical gifts and are an integral part of the worship experience. St. John’s Music Ministry is comprised of the Sanctuary Choir and Youth Choir. Knowing the importance of reaching each soul, the Music Ministry provides an eclectic blend of traditional and contemporary music. There’s a place in our Music Ministry for anyone who desires to offer praise and testimony of the wonder-working power of the Word of God through song.

Media & Radio Ministry:
Dea. Robert O’Neal
(561) 985-0242

The Media Ministry communicates the message of Jesus Christ and supports the Pastor’s vision to reach the congregation, local community and beyond. Members of the ministry are trained to operate and maintain equipment and perform various other functions. The ministry develops and produces audio and video resources of weekly worship services, most church programs and ministry-sponsored events for members, visitors and sick and shut-ins.

The Media Ministries is comprised of three ministries: the General Media Ministry, the Tape and Video Ministry and the Website Support Ministry. The General Media Ministry provides oversight of the other two areas. General Media also provides guidance to other SJF ministries and organizations in the use of media as an effective tool to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Tape and Video Ministry duplicates and distributes audio and video tape recordings of SJF worship services and special events and the Website Support Ministry is responsible for keeping our website updated. These tapes are offered for sale before and after Sunday worship services. Current tapes are generally available immediately, while prior recordings may be ordered for pickup or mail delivery.

Transportation Ministry:
Dea. Steve Wilson
(561) 449-5621

The Transportation Ministry provides assistance to those needing transportation to church services and church-related events. Ministry members also provide transportation services — utilizing the church van and buses — to transport the youth ministry, choirs and other ministries to church-sponsored events. Ministry members are also called on to provide (on-foot) parking assistance in the church parking lot. A commercial driver’s license may be required to operate some vehicles.